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Bateau Quiberon
© A. Lamoureux

Crossings and cruises

On sale in all Offices: check office contact details.

Océane Company

Crossings to Belle-Ile-en-Mer, Houat and Hoëdic from Quiberon. Groix Island from Lorient.

Navix Company

Commented cruises on the Gulf of Morbihan (with or without stopovers on Arz Island and Île aux Moines), the Ria d'Etel and crossings to the offshore islands (Belle-Île-en-Mer, Houat, Hoëdic and Groix). Lunch and dinner cruises on the Gulf.

Angélus Motorboats

Every day from April through to September, set sail from the Locmariaquer pier to discover the Gulf of Morbihan, sail up the Auray River, see Ile-aux-Moines on board Angelus motorboats who offer commented cruises with or without stopovers. In July and August, additional cruises include crossings to Houat and Hoëdic. Departure for the Gulf of Morbihan, from Port Haliguen, to Quiberon, in July and August.

Vedettes du Golfe - Bateaux-bus du Golfe

There are connections for Vannes/Ile d'Arz all year round. In season, you will find guided cruises in the Gulf of Morbihan with or without stopovers at Ile d'Arz and Ile aux Moines. There are also crossings to Belle-Ile and Houat from Vannes and Port-Navalo. Crossing from Locmariaquer to BeIle-Ile.

Compagnie du Golfe

From Vannes or Port Navalo: guided cruises, with or without stopovers at Ile d’Arz and/or Ile aux Moines and crossings to Belle-Ile, Houat, Hoëdic according to schedule.


Departure from Port-Louis and Lorient. Embark for a 35-minute crossing to Groix Island. Commented cruises on the Lorient harbour and on Le Blavet. Initiation to sea fishing on Wednesdays.

Izenah Croisières - Gulf Cruises

Ports of departure Baden/Larmor-Baden/Arradon. Commented cruises on the islands of the Morbihan Gulf (with or without stopovers on Île d’Arz and Île aux Moines) and the offshore islands (Houat and Hoëdic). From April to September and on All Saints' Day. Departure from Baden to Île aux Moines all year round.

Passeur des Îles

From Locmariaquer. Regular connections: Locmariaquer - Port Navalo - Kerners - Ile aux Moines - Ile d'Arz - Larmor Baden - Gavrinis. Auray River Cruise - Vannes Market. Bicycles are allowed onboard.

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