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Exposition "Nos ancêtres ces artistes"
Exposition "Nos ancêtres ces artistes"
From 24/06/2023

Our ancestors, these artists" exhibition

Site mégalithique de Locmariaquer Route de Kerlogonan
56740 Locmariaquer
Temporary exhibition of engravings, paintings and megaliths "Nos ancêtres ces artistes", on the Locmariaquer megaliths site.

This artistic and cultural education project supported by the Centre des Monuments Nationaux and Le Votten school in Locmariaquer showcases the graphic work produced by all the school's pupils.

Visual artist Liz Herrera introduced the young public to various graphic techniques inherited from prehistoric times: painting, engraving, positive hands... These themes enabled a sensitive approach to the period and its artistic characteristics. Confrontation with the megalithic architecture of the region completes the learning process. This project, which complements the Paysages de Mégalithes project on Île aux Moines, illustrates the Centre des Monuments Nationaux's policy of artistic and cultural education, which aims to make the region's young public players in the promotion, enhancement and transmission of the monuments they have inherited from previous generations. The children's work is presented in an exhibition on the Locmariaquer megalithic site. The result is a great success!

Until June 20, 2024.

Admission: no additional charge.

Opening times

From 24/06/2023 to 20/06/2024
See more dates
Site mégalithique de Locmariaquer Route de Kerlogonan
56740 Locmariaquer



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