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Fournisseur officiel de bonheur - Ludovic Savariello
Fournisseur officiel de bonheur - Ludovic Savariello
The 24/05/2024

Official supplier of happiness - Ludovic Savariello

Théâtre à l'Ouest 8 Rue du Lévenant
56400 Auray
Where's happiness? To find out, follow the guide!
Ludovic Savariello shares with us his "tragic-comic" personal story, his strength of resilience, and also reveals some of his findings: understanding that happiness isn't in the pré́ but in each and every one of us, and that we all have superpowers, including the power to be happy.
In this unique, playful, interactive "psyshow", Ludovic gives us something precious and essential: the instruction manual for our brains, this fabulous machine that controls everything in our lives, "our official purveyor of happiness".
Psyshow covered by social securitý!

Did you know?
Ludovic Savariello is author of the book: "votre cerveau, fournisseur officiel de bonheur" published by Robert Laffont, Versilio.
A central engineering graduate, he was a successful entrepreneur for many years. Following a serious accident, he turned to neuroscience to learn how to use his mental resources.
Trained in various techniques around the world, he has created a method that he shares as a consultant and certified professional coach, with top athletes, public figures and corporate executives. He is also a yoga teacher.

Opening times

On 24/05/2024 from 20:30
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Théâtre à l'Ouest 8 Rue du Lévenant
56400 Auray


Base rate 22 €
Reduced rate (Tarif réduit (- 18 ans/étudiants/chômeurs)) 18 €

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Bank and postal cheques



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