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Port de Locmariaquer

Locmariaquer, at the entrance to the Gulf of Morbihan

An authentic Breton village with its old houses and its small port full of character, Locmariaquer is also the ideal starting point to discovering the Gulf of Morbihan.

Départ en bateau Golfe du Morbihan

Visit the Gulf of Morbihan

Embark on a speedboat or an old sailing ship and enjoy the exceptional natural landscapes around you. Don’t forget to visit Île-aux-Moines and Île d'Arz for a guaranteed change of scenery!

From the tip of Kerpenhir, watch the boats that cross the entrance to the Gulf of Morbihan and the strong marine currents that rush into it. Opposite, you can also see Port-Navalo, the tip of the Rhuys Peninsula.

Pêche à pied

Locmariaquer, a paradise for shellfish gathering

Between the Gulf and the Ocean, Locmariaquer counts no less than 8 beaches in a natural and preserved setting. Wild, family or sporty, each beach has its own distinctive character for a holiday of idleness or water sports.

During spring tides, you can gather shellfish with your family. Delight in digging in the sand and water holes to collect crabs, clams, periwinkles and mussels! Known as the "City of Oysters", Locmariaquer invites you to discover its oyster farms and taste its salty oysters.

Locmariaquer Loperec

Le parc naturel Saint Pierre Loperec

La plage de Saint Pierre, longue d'environ 1 km se situe dans le parc naturel Saint Pierre Loperec. Pentue et sauvage, on y accède à pied par les sentiers à travers le parc. 

Elle offre une belle étendue de sable entre les pointes d’Er Hourél et d’Erlong, entourée de dunes et d'un petit bois. Coup de coeur assuré !

Locmariaquer compte 5 plages : la plage de Saint Pierre, la plage de la Falaise, la plage du Valy, la plage de Toul-Keun, la plage du Rolay...

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