Thematic visits proposed by the Tourist Office
Discover the cultural and natural riches of our region. Visits proposed byTourist Offices.
Guided tours for individuals and groups.
Tickets available in all tourist offices: check office contact details.

Guided tour of the Erdeven megaliths
Thousands of dolmens and menhirs line the great megalithic arch: it is time to discover a few more in Erdeven! From the Kerzerho Alignments to the Dolmen of Mané-Braz... 5 km by foot in the heart of prehistory...
Tours on Friday, April 26 - Fridays, July 12, 19, 26 and August 2, 9, 16, 23.
Departure at 10:30am. Meeting place given at time of registration.
Duration: 2 hours. Open to everybody except disabled persons. Accessible with buggies, wear closed shoes.
Dogs accepted on a leash. Registration recommended - 02 97 55 64 64 60
Individual rate: €5 (free for children under 12 yrs).
Group flat rate: €120 including VAT (based on 35 pax). Visits available all year round.

The island of Saint-Cado in Belz
In the heart of the Ria d'Etel, the island of Saint-Cado is an essential part of this inlet. Walk through its lanes and discover the Breton architecture of a port that once was a sardine port complete with chapel, calvary and fountain. This tour mingles history, legends and heritage.
Tours on Fridays 12, 19, 26 July and 2, 9, 16, 23 August. Departure at 3pm (in front of the restaurant Les Algues Marines, port of Saint-Cado in Belz).
Duration: 1h30. Open to everybody except disabled persons. Registration recommended: 02 97 55 23 80 - 02 97 55 64 60.
Individual rate: €5 (free for children under 12 yrs).
Group flat rate: €120 including VAT (based on 35 pax). Visits available all year round.

The remains of the Atlantic Wall in Plouharnel
Nearly 100 bunkers, 4 gun tanks, a firing tower are testimony to the Second World War and constitute one of the largest and most powerful batteries in the Atlantic.
Tours on Thursday, April 25 - Thursdays, July 11, 18, 25 and August 1, 8, 15, 22.
Departure at 2:30 pm (route de Quiberon, in front of the Chouannerie Museum).
Duration: 2 hours. Open to everybody except disabled persons. Wear closed shoes. No prior registration required - 02 97 52 32 93
Individual rate: €5 (free for children under 12 yrs).
Group flat rate: €120 including VAT (based on 35 pax). Visits available all year round.

Quiberon, le charme d'une station balnéaire centenaire et d'un ancien port sardinier
Une balade au coeur de ville vous fera découvrir la naissance du tourisme balnéaire avec ses hôtels et villas du début XXe, le développement de la pêche et l’installation des premières conserveries.
Visite les mercredis 10, 17, 24 avril et 1er mai, 19 et 26 juin
les 3, 10, 17, 24 et 31 juillet, les 7, 14, 21 et 28 août
et les 4 et 11 septembre.
Départ 10h devant l’Office de Tourisme.
Durée : 2h. Tout public, accessible PMR en fauteuil motorisé. Inscription recommandée.

Port of Saint-Goustan in Auray
Discover the charm of an old fishing and trading port that enjoyed its heyday from the 17th century onwards by importing wine, salt and copper and exporting cheese, meat, fish and rye... Walk through its cobbled lanes and dive right into a medieval atmosphere.
2019 tour dates:
Tours on Wednesdays April 17, 10, 17, 17, 24, 31 July and 7, 14, 21 August.
Departure at 3pm (in front of the Franklin bar). Duration: 1h30. Open to everybody except disabled persons. Registration recommended - 02 97 24 09 75
Individual rate: €5 (free for children under 12 yrs).
Group flat rate: €120 including VAT (based on 35 pax). Visits available all year round.

The Megalithic Remains of Locmariaquer
Quiberon Bay and Morbihan Gulf offer, on the same territory, a concentration of megalithic monuments that are unique in Europe. Following in the footsteps of these prehistoric builders, come and discover exceptional sites, off the beaten track.
2019 tour dates:
Tours on Thursday, April 18 - Thursdays July 11, 18, 25 and August 1, 8, 15, 22.
Departure at 10am in front of the Tourist Office. Duration: 1h30. Open to everybody except disabled persons. Registration recommended - 02 97 57 57 33 05
Individual rate: €5 (free for children under 12 yrs).
Group flat rate: €120 including VAT (based on 35 pax). Visits available all year round.

Partez à la découverte de la forêt de Camors !
Baptisée la vallée des Korrigans, la forêt de Camors cache de nombreuses pierres étranges, des arbres dits magique et serait peuplées de korrigans. ... Une légende raconte même que la forêt de Camors était le domaine de « Barbe bleue » ! Au cours de cette visite, vous découvrirez à l’ombre des chênes, châtaigniers, hêtres, pins sylvestres et maritimes, sapins et d’épicéas une biodiversité et un patrimoine bâti, particulièrement riches et étonnants !
Visite les mercredis 10, 17, 24, 31 juillet et les 7, 14, 21 août 2024
Départ 11h. Depuis la gare de Lambel-Camors. Compatible avec l’arrivée du train touristique Napoléon express en provenance de Pontivy.
Durée : 2h. Difficulté moyenne. Bonnes chaussures et eau à prévoir