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Concerts, sports competitions, exhibitions, children's shows, fest-noz, traditional festivals... Come and have fun and have fun in Quiberon Bay!  

Many demonstrations and major events animate the seasons. Save the date!

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13 results
Stages dessin: Peinture à l'huile
Whether they choose oil painting, various painting techniques or drawing, participants in small groups of no more than eight will be able to create a…
Les ateliers du numérique: Minecraft
At a new digital workshop, you can create your own dream house in Minecraft. From the age of 8, come and have fun with activities combining computing and…
Mercredi, on joue !
This is the place to discover and experiment with board games in Erdeven! Whether you're with your family, friends or alone, you can discover new games or…
Marché de Landévant
Every Saturday morning, rue des Menhirs hosts the market from 7am to 1pm.
Exposition ludique "Dans les livres, il y a.."
The Erdeven media library is hosting the playful exhibition "Dans les livres, il y a..", open to all and free of charge.
Atelier de concertation: Les mobilités
If you live or work in the tourist industry in the communes of Gâvres, Plouhinec, Etel, Erdeven, Plouharnel, Saint-Pierre Quiberon and Quiberon...take…
Balade botanique en hiver
Come and rediscover our friends the trees in winter: learn to recognize them by observing bark, twigs and buds... Take a walk in the Keraveon park in…
Conversation en allemand
The Erdeven Sankt Margen twinning committee is organizing a conversation in German. Anyone wishing to learn or practice the language is invited. German…
Cercle de lecture
We invite you to take a look at the latest releases from the new literary season: our first impressions, our expectations and our disappointments. On the…
Fest-Noz - Tamm Kreiz
This Sunday, Le Roëlan cultural center will welcome the Damad group for a fest-noz! The group's music is characterized by its traditional base of…
Théâtre: Petits fours et revolver
The Belz-based theater troupe Les Baladins de la Ria is putting on a hilarious play this year, guaranteed to make you laugh out loud. Reservations…
Tournoi de palets
The Erdeven-Étel soccer team is organizing a winter shuffleboard tournament this year! In addition to the competition, you'll find food and drink, a…
Paul-Henri Jaulin, a teacher and doctoral candidate in medieval literature at the University of Nantes, is offering a lecture on Gallic civilization. The…
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